Why you should be concerned about environmental stress cracking in plastics?


Environmental stress cracking is one of the essential tests that can be conducted on the material to determine its sturdiness against fracture or failure when exposed to environmental factors. This quality test determines the actual working life of the test sample under environmental stress. So, if you are working in the plastic polymer industry, and are concerned about the quality of your plastic products against environmental stress, then we suggest you use the Presto Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance tester.

This is a unique test cabinet that is designed to detect the change in the physical characteristics of the plastic material and to ascertain the actual working life. The results from this test are used in environmental impact analysis, product development, and quality control. Here in this blog, we are going to discuss brief information about this lab testing equipment and why you should be concerned about the quality of plastics against environmental stress cracking. But before, let us discuss brief information about environmental stress cracking.

What is Environmental Stress Cracking and how it can be a concern to plastic product manufacturers?

Environmental stress cracking (ESC) is a type of failure that can occur in materials that are exposed to certain environmental conditions. These conditions can include factors such as humidity, temperature, and chemicals. ESC can cause cracks to form in the material, which can lead to further damage and potentially failure of the overall structure.

ESC is a major concern for many industries, as it can cause significant damage to the critical infrastructure of the product. The ESC of plastics is widely related to the stress cracking agent’s concentration, exposure time, and polymer strain. The rigid plastics will become brittle when they are exposed to the high-temperature range, cyclic loading, and stress concentrations.

ESC can be prevented through proper design and maintenance of critical structures. For example, regular inspection and testing can help identify potential problems before they result in catastrophic failures. Additionally, using materials that are resistant to ESC can help reduce the risk of failure.

By conducting quality tests related to environmental stress, one can easily ensure that the materials delivered are of good quality. You can easily read more about environmental stress cracking and it’s testing in the plastic product manufacturing industry.

Now, let us focus on brief information about Presto environmental stress cracking resistance tester.

Test the impact of environmental stress with Presto ESCR tester

In the plastic product manufacturing industry, it is important for manufacturers to test their quality before delivering the products to the customers. Environmental stress is considered to be one of the major properties of plastics that lead to 30 percent of product failures if not checked properly. If the resistance of plastics against stress cracking will be low then it would lead to damage to the product. Thus, to make it easy for plastic product manufacturers to conduct a quality test on the materials, we at Presto have designed high-quality environmental stress cracking resistance testing instruments.

This is one of the quality testing equipment that detects the change in the physical characteristics of the materials when exposed to environmental stress. It has been designed with highly advanced features like a PID controller for temperature control, an in-built auto-tuning function, a bright LED display, and rapid heaters that play a crucial role in uniform and homogenous heating and maintaining temperatures.

Now, let us discuss the features of the Presto ESCR testing instrument.

Features of Presto ESCR testing instrument

Presto ESCR tester has been equipped with high-end features that help in studying the environmental stress cracking of plastics. Below we have listed the advanced features of the Presto ESCR tester:

  • Temperature controlled through PID controller
  • Highly accurate test results under uniform temperatures in the chamber
  • Advanced Digital Microprocessor based PID based temperature controller
  • Provision of Set Value(SV) and Process Value(PV) on the temperature display
  • Inbuilt Auto tuning function
  • Bright LED display
  • Equipped with rapid heaters for uniform and homogenous heating and maintaining the temperature inside the chamber
  • Integral water drain system
  • Inbuilt Calibration features with reference to master PID controller
  • Stirrer motor for the precise stirring of the sample inside the tank and uniformity of temperature
  • A set of Test tubes along with a fixture to hold samples inside the tank
  • Standard: ASTM D1693-15

Technical Specifications of Presto ESCR tester:

  • Power : 220 V, 50 Hz, single
  • Temperature Range(For Silicone Oil): From ambient to 250° C.
  • Temperature Range(For Water): Ambient to 90ºC
  • Least Count/Resolution: 0.1ºC
  • Accuracy: ± 2ºC
  • Display: LED(Digital)
  • Motor: 1/70 HP, 1350 RPM
  • No of stations: Six.
  • Material of Construction: Inner bath: Stainless Steel
  • Outer body: Mild Steel duly powder coated       
  • Accessories: Cutting dies, nicking jig, bending cum transfer tool, and Aluminum foil – 1 no. Specimen holder, Test tube, and Rubber cork – 6 nos. each
  • Paint: Powder coated

These are the technical specifications of the Presto ESCR tester. This environmental stress cracking resistance tester is highly helpful for packaging manufacturers to conduct the environmental stress cracking resistance test.

The Effects of Environmental Stress Cracking on the plastic industry

Environmental stress cracking (ESC) is caused by a variety of environmental factors, including UV radiation, chemicals, and extreme temperatures. These factors can damage the infrastructure of the plastics, leading to cracks and other damage to the products.

ESC can have a number of deleterious effects on materials. It can cause them to become weaker and more brittle, making them more susceptible to breaking or shattering. In some cases, ESC can also lead to the formation of voids or holes in the material. This can compromise its structural integrity and make it more likely to fail under stress.

By regularly checking for cracks, and repairing them promptly, you can help keep your infrastructure safe from this potentially devastating problem. Thus, with Presto environmental stress cracking resistance tester one can easily conduct an ESCR test on the materials with ease.


If you are working in the plastic product manufacturing industry, then you should be concerned about environmental stress cracking. This type of cracking can cause serious damage to the product. By using Presto environmental stress cracking resistance tester, one can easily detect the change in physical properties of materials when exposed to environmental stress. If you need more information about this testing instrument like ESCR priceor other related information, then you can give us a call at +919210903903 or email us at info@prestogroup.com. Our team of technical experts will assist you regarding all your needs and queries.


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